v2.11.0 (5515)

Enseignement scientifique et technique - NAETPF_919B : 919B_Forest and forestry in the context of climate and environmental changes


Forests and forestry in the context of climate and environmental changes
The two-week course will be performed jointly with the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the University of Freiburg in Germany, with one course week taking place in Freiburg and the other one in Nancy. The course will provide insights into recent findings and methodological approaches concerning the overall topic of forests and forestry in the context of climate and environmental changes, both for a broad range of fields of forest science (e.g. growth and productivity, pathology, soil science, resource utilisation, carbon balance), and including tools and management approaches to handle novel risks and challenges. Through teamwork and self-study, students from Freiburg and Nancy will work together on sub-topics proposed by professors/lecturers, highlighting the differences and similarities between countries. More generally, students will discover research and teaching in forest science, and aspects of forest management, of a neighbouring country.

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Master Agrosciences, Environnement, Territoires, Paysage, Forêt - Nancy

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

CC oral soutenance + Rapport

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)
  • le rattrapage est obligatoire si :
    Note initiale < 6
  • le rattrapage peut être demandé par l'étudiant si :
    6 ≤ note initiale < 10

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

Support pédagogique multimédia


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