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Diplôme d'établissement - Diploma in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy (Bioceb)


The Bioceb Diploma is a diploma delivered by AgroParisTech and signed by all the Bioceb Consortium members. It is awarded to the students who have successfully completed the European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy (Bioceb).

The European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy (Bioceb) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programme funded with the support from the European Commission within the frame of the programme Erasmus +.

Bioceb is co-developed by five European Higher Education Institutions: AgroParisTech (coordinator of the programme), Aalto, TalTech, ULiège and URCA.

It consists in a 2-year international Master1-Master2 curriculum training future research and innovation managers to tackle the challenges related to the deployment of the Bioeconomy across the world. Bioceb addresses the needs of the growing bio-based industry sector in scientists being aware of the markets and the socio-economic contexts. It arises from an interdisciplinary approach combining chemistry, biology, economic and environmental sciences with cross-cutting skills including project management. Its modular construction promotes cultural mix between students from different regions of the world and with various education backgrounds. It is built as a joint experience, enabling students to support each other, learning from each other and building long term ties that will have an impact on their future careers. Interactions between the students all along the program are encouraged and facilitated.


Main fields of study for the qualification:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Polymer Sciences
  • Engineering applied to the exploration and conversion of biomass
  • Biotechnology
  • Sustainability (Economics and Environmental assessment)

Course content: http://www.bioceb.eu/spip.php?article34

The students have to choose between five study tracks, each involving three different Universities from at least two different countries. Besides the courses specific of each semester, the students follow a common module called “Green Line Project” (GLP) in which they carry out a multi-site project in group all along the three first semester of their track.

The programme comprises:

  • A common first semester (S1) multidisciplinary training on agro-resources and biorefinery;
  • A second semester (2) dedicated to sustainability, with two options (“Bioproducts and sustainable chemistry” or “Agro-resources and value-chain assessment”);
  • A specialisation in semester 3 (S3) in one key biotechnology approach related to Bioeconomy (“Biomass engineering”, “Bioprocesses”, or “Materials and biopolymers”);
  • A mandatory one-week Summer School at the end of S2.
  • A 5 to 6 months M2 research internship related to the Master’s thesis in Semester 4 (S4);

The student curriculum is personalised by her/his:

  • Study Track choice
  • Green Line Project topic
  • M2 internship/master’s thesis
  • Optional M1 summer internship

niveau requis

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc., Licence ou un diplôme national reconnu équivalent à 180 ECTS)   en ingénierie ou sciences incluant a minima une discipline en biologie: biotechnologie, biochimie, microbiologie, biophysique, ingénierie des bioprocédés, biologie moléculaire;


  • Apprécié mais non-obligatoire : un parcours supplémentaire en chimie, physique ou sciences de l’environnement.
  • Une bonne maîtrise de l'anglais certifiée par un test de compétence (équivalent au niveau minimum B2).
  • procédure d'admission : http://www.bioceb.eu/spip.php?article11

informations pratiques


commentaires complémentaires

La délivrance du diplôme Bioceb est liée à la complétion avec succès du Master Européen en Ingénierie chimique et biologique pour une bioéconomie durable (European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy) par l’étudiant et complète les diplômes nationaux de master obtenus dans chaque pays dans lesquels l’étudiant a étudié.

Elle souligne pleinement l’ensemble de l’expérience Bioceb and les compétences spécifiques développées dans le cadre spécifique de l’Erasmus Mundus Bioceb en complément des programmes nationaux de master impliqués dans Bioceb.



Ainsi, selon le parcours choisi, l’étudiant reçoit également les diplômes suivants :

  • Master en Biologie intégrative et physiologie (BIP), parcours Biomass Engineering for Bioeconomy (BEB), delivré par l’Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), operé par AgroParisTech, France;
  • Master of Science (Technology), delivré par Aalto University, Finlande;
  • Master of Science in Engineering, delivré par Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonie;
  • Master bioingénieur en chimie et bioindustries, délivré par l’Université de Liège (ULiège), Belgique;
  • Master in Biology AgroSciences (BAS), delivré par l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA), France.

compétences acquises

At the end of the Bioceb programme, the graduates have:

  • Multi-disciplinary theoretical knowledge on agro-ressources, on the different chemical and biological routes for their conversion into bioenergies or bio-based products, and on tools to assess the sustainability of the resulting value chains;
  • Awareness of the global diversity of Bioeconomy models and biorefinery systems;
  • Insight into the European Bioeconomy policy, legal context and markets
  • Knowledge of innovation processes and stages leading to industrialisation;
  • Experience of interculturality and international mobility.

They are able to:

  • Tackle the challenges related to the deployment of the bioeconomy across the world;
  • Design processes and products ensuring a sustainable global use of biological resources;
  • Perform a multi-criteria assessment of bio-based value chains (from plant resources to manufactured bioproducts);
  • Implement a scientific approach and design an experimental plan to address a research question;
  • Work in team and carry out collaborative projects in multicultural environments;
  • Manage innovation;
  • Adapt to local context and socio-economic demand while integrating global challenges.


They will more particularly access positions as:

  • Research scientist in chemical and biological engineering
  • Bioprocess / biomaterial / biocatalyst engineer
  • Research and Innovation Project manager
  • Business developer for Bio-based industries Start-up manager

After Bioceb, students have the possibility to undergo a doctoral training.


Thanks to their international experience and to the network of academic and socio-economic partners involved in the programme, the Bioceb graduates will be ensured career opportunities all over the world, in Research and Higher education organisations, as well as in private companies.


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
BIOCEB-Aalto-Cellulose Cellulose-based fibres (including Green Line project 3rd ... Enseignement scientifique et technique 5
BIOCEB-Aalto-Lignocellulose Lignocellulose chemistry Enseignement scientifique et technique 5
BIOCEB-Aalto-Polymer Polymer Blends and Composites Enseignement scientifique et technique 5
BIOCEB-Aalto-Polymer-synth Polymer synthesis Enseignement scientifique et technique 5 2022/2023
BIOCEB-Aalto-Thesis Master’s thesis Mise en situation professionnelle 30 2022/2023
BIOCEB-Aalto-fiber Fiber and Fiber Products Course Enseignement scientifique et technique 5
BIOCEB-Aalto-plant Plant biomass Enseignement scientifique et technique 5
BIOCEB-ULiege-Biological Biological chemistry and corresponding processes engineering Enseignement scientifique et technique 6 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege-Chemistry Chemistry of bioenergy production Enseignement scientifique et technique 7 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege-GLP Green line project-3rd stage Enseignement scientifique et technique 5 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege-Microbial Microbial biotechnology – applications Enseignement scientifique et technique 6 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege- Portfolio Portfolio (innovative economical activities development) Enseignement scientifique et technique 2 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege-Practice Practice of the chemistry of natural substances Enseignement scientifique et technique 4 2022/2023
BIOCEB-ULiege-TFE Travail de fin d'études en chimie et bio-industries (Inte... Mise en situation professionnelle 30 2022/2023
M1Bioceb UE Agricultural Agricultural and viticultural soils Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences et Ingénierie Agronomiques, Forestière, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement
M1Bioceb UE Disciplinary Disciplinary strengthening in chemistry or biology and in... Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Green chemistry Green Chemistry, biosourced building-blocks Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Green line S1 Green Line project, 1st stage Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Molecular Molecular biology of microorganisms Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Physiology Physiology and genetic of plant development Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Plant-soil Plant-soil interactions Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
M1Bioceb UE Plant components Plant components and biorefining Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé, Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
TalTech-02 Green Chemistry Metrics for feedstocks to bio chemical De... Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé 2022/2023
TalTech-03 Biopolymers: Basics, Production and Applications Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé 2022/2023
TalTech-04 Basics of Physical Movement II Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé 2022/2023
TalTech-05 Life Cycle Analysis of Green Technologies Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé 2022/2023
TalTech-06 Biorefinery Systems Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Sciences de la Vie et Santé 2022/2023
TalTech-07 Environmental assessment and system analyses Enseignement scientifique et technique 2022/2023
TalTech-08 German for beginners A1 Langues Service Langues - Cultures 2022/2023
TalTech-09 Estonian Language and Culture Langues Service Langues - Cultures 2022/2023
TalTech-10 Spanish 1 (A1) Langues Service Langues - Cultures 2022/2023
TalTech-11 Special course in Bioinformatics Enseignement scientifique et technique Département Modélisation Mathématique, Informatique et Physique 2022/2023
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