v2.11.0 (5515)

Enseignement scientifique et technique - FNS-M08.1_SASI_Module1 : Decarbonization and climate strategies for organizations

Domaine > Département Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion, Domaine Gestion et ingénierie de l'environnement.


Find out how companies can take action to tackle climate change and understand the related risks and opportunities.

Objectifs pédagogiques

This course aims to give students a comprehensive overview of the topic of climate change in the corporate sector. Students will learn:

  • To what extent bold climate action from the private sector is a necessary condition to limit global warming below +1.5°C/+2°C
  • How companies can assess their climate impact through robust carbon footprint assessment methodologies (GHG Protocol, ISO14064, Bilan Carbone, etc.)
  • Why and how companies should set emissions reduction targets in line with climate science, and establish inclusive and ambitious action plans to respect these trajectories
  • How companies can reinvent their business models in order to maximize their compatibility with a low-carbon economy
  • How companies can act beyond their own value chain to boost the emergence of a net-zero global system
  • What classical “greenwashing” practices companies should avoid, and how to be vigilant as a company employee, consumer or citizen
  • What power and responsibilities individuals have towards the climate emergency

18 heures en présentiel

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

Pour les étudiants du diplôme MS Forêt, nature et société - Management international

Basics about climate change causes and impacts.

Format des notes

Littérale/grade européen

Pour les étudiants du diplôme MS Forêt, nature et société - Management international

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

Through a paper (in group of 3-4 people)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 3

Programme détaillé

  • Introduction on energy and climate. Understanding “carbon neutrality” as defined by climate science. The need to act boldly to limit global warming to acceptable levels. Role of the corporate sector.
    • Topics: IPCC, climate science, Paris Agreement, Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone, regulation, Loi de Transition Énergétique
  • Assessing a company’s impact on climate: tools, database and methodology. Case study.
    • Topics: carbon footprint, GHG Protocol, Bilan Carbone, CDP
  • Setting ambitious targets and performing action plans
    • Topics: carbon budget, Science-based Targets, climate, governance, metrics, ADEME, ACT
  • Changing the paradigm: limiting climate-related risks and creating business opportunities in a low-carbon economy
    • Topics: low-carbon business models, avoided emissions, low-carbon products and services, TCFD, climate strategy, scenario analysis, CDP
  • Acting beyond the value chain: how companies can contribute to net zero
    • Topics: net zero, carbon neutrality, offsetting, removals, voluntary carbon market, carbon credits, Label Bas Carbone
  • Greenwashing, or how to be vigilant as a citizen, consumer and company
  • Companies, the State, individuals: what power and what responsibilities?
    • Topics: doing your “fair share” for the climate, levers at individual scale, what “individual responsibility” can mean in a systemic problem

Méthodes pédagogiques

Conferences, practical exercises, homework Friendly and caring atmosphere
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