v2.11.0 (5515)

Enseignement scientifique et technique - Ath-MP16 : MP-16 Geostatistics

Domaine > Département Modélisation Mathématique, Informatique et Physique.


In earth sciences, natural resource development, and environmental studies, probabilistic models are used for the prediction and the quantification of uncertainties due to sparse sampling, measurement error, or indirect observations of the phenomenon under study. As the observations cannot be considered independent in this context, standard statistical or machine learning approches are not well suited while lacking interpretability. This course aims at giving basic elements for the mathematical modeling of regionalized phenomena by probabilistic methods. It thus provides a first introduction to geostatistics and spatial statistics.

Objectifs pédagogiques

In earth sciences, natural resource development, and environmental studies, probabilistic models are used for the prediction and the quantification of uncertainties due to sparse sampling, measurement error, or indirect observations of the phenomenon under study. As the observations cannot be considered independent in this context, standard statistical or machine learning approches are not well suited while lacking interpretability. This course aims at giving basic elements for the mathematical modeling of regionalized phenomena by probabilistic methods. It thus provides a first introduction to geostatistics and spatial statistics.


effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

domaines ParisTech

Système d'information - Modélisation.

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Accueillis cursus ing 2e et 3e année (erasmus et école)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Accueillis IAE forestiers (ingénieurs de l'Institut Agro Dijon)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2


Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Accueillis en master (erasmus et autres prog.)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Ingénieur AgroParisTech

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2

Programme détaillé

General introduction and introduction to the R software (www.r-project.org). Random function models, Inference, Prediction (Kriging and simulations)


Mots clés

Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental sciences, Mathematics, Natural environments and wildlife, Physics, Statistics
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