v2.11.0 (5515)

Enseignement scientifique et technique - Ath-ENPC05 : ENPC05 - Energy transition: technologies and policies interactions

Domaine > Ouverture et culture générale.

Objectifs pédagogiques

The 2015 Paris agreement on climate change sets a long-term goal to maintain the global average temperature increase well below 2C above pre-industrial levels. To comply with this target, the EU aims to rapidly cut its carbon emission and become carbon neutral by 2050.

The aim of this course is to understand how technologies and policies interact within and between sectors and to identify trade-offs between options and across time-periods. The course aims to show that the energy transition is a complex, systemic and geopolitical process. The focus will be on Europe and the course will try to adopt whenever possible a comparative approach.

At the end of the course, students will be able:

-        To define the different energy production and consumption scenarii and their impact on climate change

-        To provide orders of magnitude related to different energy technologies

-        To identify policy and technology trade-offs of decarbonation scenarii at the sectoral level

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

domaines ParisTech

Ecosystèmes, Economie-Entreprise, Politiques publiques, Environnement, Développement durable.

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Ingénieur AgroParisTech


Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Accueillis cursus ing 2e et 3e année (erasmus et école)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Accueillis IAE forestiers (ingénieurs de l'Institut Agro Dijon)

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Ingénieur AgroParisTech

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

Poster presentation: presenting a A0 that assesses a specific energy technology through different aspects.

The poster’s structure will be the following:

-        Technology description and use cases

-        Economics of technological development and potential for mainstreaming

-        Geopolitics aspects

-        Risk analysis

-        Concurrent technologies

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 2

Programme détaillé

The course will combine lectures, conferences, debates and tutored projects on a specific technology or group of technologies. The number of students is limited to 30 (25 from the ATHENS network and 5 from ENPC)


Day 1: introduction to energy transition

  • AM: Energy production and consumption – history, trends and trajectories 2050 [IEA]: questioning technological choices, irreversibilities, temporality
  • PM: En-ROADS simulation

Day 2: sectorial challenges of the energy transition

  • AM: introduction to the challenges of energy transition: CO2 emissions, trajectories, regulation, innovation and technologies per sector.
  • PM: introduction to team work – 1 subject per sector, coached by “sectorial” contributors (one on technical aspects, one on socio-economic aspects) providing more insights about the given sector.

Day 3: Team work

  • AM & PM: coached team work
  • PM+ : Objectives – each group is capable of presenting something.

Day 4: from technologies to policies

  • AM: first restitution in front of the other groups to identify what to refine (20 minutes per group)
  • PM: complementary coached work in teams

Day 5: Panel and presentations

  • AM: complementary coached work in teams
  • PM: levers of change to reach carbon neutrality - panel discussion (with experts from CIRED…)
  • PM+: poster exhibition and presentation

Tutored project

The tutored project will serve as the backbone of the course. It consists of a 5-student team project addressing technological choices for a given energy trajectory. Each group will be given a sector with a particular technology / subject and will analyze the implication in terms of innovation, investments, social and geopolitical constraints 

The suggested subjects are:

-        Biogas in the energy sector

-        Metallurgy / steel production with hydrogen

-        Energy efficiency and renovation in the building sector

-        Low carbon concrete

-        Sea transport (hydrogen or ammonia)

-        Batteries for urban mobility

Each sectoral project involves a tutoring staff composed of two experts (professionals or researchers), with expertise on respectively technical and socio-economic issues.

Mots clés

Architecture and town planning Building and civil engineering Economics Electricity and energy Environmental protection technology Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) Natural environments and wildlife Political science and civics
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